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Why have plastic surgery when you can evolve?

Level 10

No Limits Outfit

No-Limits Outfit Upgrade Art.gif

"Well that's a sweet getup if I've ever seen one!"

Req: Lvl. 10

Desc: Give your dopaline a proper set of clothes, it doesn't have to be a full suit and tie but it can be more complicated than childhood accessories were.

Level 11

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"All the pseudos have been amazing so far! This is...not it..."

Req: Lvl. 11 + Draco Spikes

Desc: Looks like your dops spikes have grown into flat spiky plates! Think like godzilla.

Level 12

Unruly Mane

Unruly Mane Upgrade Art.png

"I'm gonna be the main event, like no king was before!"

Req: Lvl. 12 

Desc: Give your dopaline's neck an entire poof of fur around it, this can be any colour currently on their pelt.

Feathered Pelt

Feathered Pelt Upgrade Art.png

"I thought I saw a puddy tat!"

Req: Lvl. 12 

Desc: Give your dopaline's body feathers all over, like a bird! This upgrade clashes with other skin altering upgrades such as fur or scales.

Scaled Pelt

Scaled Pelt Upgrade ART.png

"You sure it's not some kind of illness?"

Req: Lvl. 12

Desc: Give your dopaline's body scales like those of a fish or reptile. This upgrade clashes with other skin altering upgrades such as fur or feathers.

Slowpoke Shell

Slowpoke Shell.png

"Woah! That Snail is fast!"

Req: Lvl. 12

Desc: Your Dopaline gains themselves a snail shell, simple as that. The Shell's colour can be any already present on your Dop.

Wooly Pelt

Wooly Pelt Upgrade Art.png

"He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat."

Req: Lvl. 12

Desc: Give your dopaline's body a wooly coat all over like a sheep! This upgrade clashes with other skin altering upgrades such as fur or feathers.

Aligator Spine

Aligator Spine Upgrade Art.png

"Hey pal, wanna be a musician?"

Req: Lvl. 12 + Draco Spikes

Desc: Your Dopaline's back spikes have seemed to divide into two running down their back which connect at the end of their tail.

Level 13

Pinata Pelt Upgrade Art.png

"Just get in the Cannoñata already!"

Req: Lvl. 13 

Desc: Give your dopaline's body paper-like fur like a pinata! This upgrade clashes with other skin altering upgrades such as fur or feathers.

Shaggy Ruffles

Shaggy Ruffles Upgrade Art.png

"Can you not get us into trouble for once!?"

Req: Lvl. 13

Desc: Give your dopaline some fur ruffles on their neck and/or limbs like those in the upgrade art. These ruffles  take on the colour of whatever markings they're on top of and can be altered by upgrades like Wooly Pelt and Piñata Pelt.


"Snoutlout, Snoutlout, Oi Oi OI!"

Req: Lvl. 13 

Desc: Give your Dopaline a scaled belly like a Dragon or some kind of snake! This can be any colour already on your Dopaline.

Level 14

Terapin Shell


"Heroes in a Half-shell, Turtle Power!"

Req: Lvl. 14

Desc: Give your Dopaline a Big ol' shell like that shown in the upgrade art. The colours of said shell can be any colour already present on your Dop.


"So, where's the 3 birds then?"

Req: Lvl. 14 

Desc: Give your Dopaline frills running down their back, like those on the Pokemon Lugia. They can be either accent or eye colour.


"You gotta impress the ladies~"

Req: Lvl. 14 + Unruly Mane

Desc: Seems your dop's mane has become feathery!


"You look like you could do with some big ol' boxing gloves on your paws."

Req: Lvl. 14 

Desc: Give your Dopaline a neck cushion of sorts as shown in the upgrade art. Like a large bit of chubby neck that surrounds it kinda like a hood minus the whole "put it over your head" thing?

Body Spikes upgrade.png

"Cactus man, take me by the hand,"

Req: Lvl. 14

Desc: Give your Dopaline some cool spikes! They can come on the body in any amount, and anywhere. They can be accent color, or any color on the pelt.

Crescent Disc


"For the love of Arceus Nebby, get in the Bag."

Req: Lvl. 14

Desc: Give your Dopaline some disc-like extensions to their body like the pokemon, Cosmog. These discs may be either your Dopal's Accent or Eye Colour.

Seamonster Fin.png

"A butch lesbian, a twink, and a gay jock hop onto a cart."

Req: Lvl. 14

Desc: Seems like your Dopaline got themselves a rather neat fin running down from their neck to their tail tip! This fin can be any colour present on your Dop's pelt, additionally if they have Slick Head Fin this upgrade can share it's colour and connect to it!

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"So expensive for a kinda bad gene..."

Req: Lvl. 14 + Scaled Pelt

Desc: Seems your dop's scales have become crystalline in texture!

Level 15

Scruffstich Fur


"I am the Dop on the front of the tag, I'm as famous as famous can be!"

Req: Lvl. 15

Desc: Your Dopaline has gained some rather strange fur alright, think of it like that of a Webkinz. It's scruffy, scraggly and often scattered about the body in patches or just spread throughout the enite pelt. 


Sections Upgrade.png

"We're really quite surprised, We get to see you another night~"

Req: Lvl. 15

Desc: Give your Dopaline some sections, they should wrap around the body and be either the eye or accent color! These sections have a rubbery texture to them.


"Look we are NOT making another Baby Shark Joke!"

Req: Lvl. 15 

Desc: Give your Dopaline a neat dorsal fin on their back! This fin will take on the colour of whatever marking placements it is in.


"You're a beta male, Sonic."

Req: Lvl. 15 + Swift Spines

Desc: Your dopaline's gained a thick coating of small sharp spines on its back, like those of a porcupine. These may be any colour present on your dopaline.

Snazzy Chest Hair


"I hate you and your clarinet of Smooth Jazz"

Req: Lvl. 15 + Draw a meme image of your Dop 

Desc: Give your Dopaline Chest hair, It can be any style and any colour as long as it's not pure black or pure white. God I regret letting Tig make this a real upgrade.

crystalline flesh.gif

"The best dergs are always the ones with expensive genes... that you bought for 5kt on the AH."

Req: Lvl. 15 + Draw your dop staring at a crystal!

Desc: Seems your dop's gained some odd crystalline growth on their body. These can be accent or eye colour, and have accents of either the colour not used, or a lighter/darker shade of the base colour you chose!

Level 16

Eastern Mane Upgarde Art.png

"Sooo, is the back mane a Rock thing or a Pop thing?"

Req: Lvl. 16

Desc: Looks like your dop's developed a mane of fur that runs from the top of their head down to the tip of their tail! This strip of floof can be any colour already present on your Dop's pelt, additionally if they have Full Head 'O' Hair this mane can share the colour of their hair instead due to the pair being connected!

Royal Mane

Royal Mane.png

"All that the light touches is our kingdom..."

Req: Lvl. 16

Desc: Give your Dopaline a pretty cool mane, like a lion's! This mane can be any colour already present on your Dop's pelt.

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Dirtbag? I don't think that guy's a real doctor."

Req: Lvl. 16 + Swift Spines

Desc: Your dop's grown some long, thin spines that resemble a porcupine's! These may be any colour present on your dopaline.


"And that is why my Rudy is pouch-schooled!"

Req: Lvl. 16 + Draw a bred dop!

Desc: Oooh, looks like your dop's gained a pouch on their stomach! Easy storage!

Level 17


"Playing the floor is lava with the giant fluffy lightning dog!"

Req: Lvl. 17 + Unruly Mane

Desc: Seems your dop's mane has grown down their back!

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"They have this... nasty habit of setting themselves on fire."

Req: Lvl. 17 + Draco Spikes

Desc: Seems your dop's spikes have grown HUGE! Think like something you'd find on a traditional dragon, far from the pointy nubs they used to be!

crystal spikes.gif

"You guys are jerks, which makes this very conflicting for me!"

Req: Lvl. 17 + Body Spikes

Desc: Seems your dop's spikes have gained a crystal-y texture! They may gain accents of either the accent/eye(whichever wasn't used), or simply a darker/lighter version of their original colour, as shown in the image.

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"I am a steg-o-saurus!"

Req: Lvl. 17 + Draco Spikes

Desc: Your dop's spikes have grown into large flat plates, like a stegosaurus!

Level 18

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"What can we use?"

Req: Lvl. 18 + Draw your dop sorting something!

Desc: This is it, the upgrade that lets you mix and match your upgrades! There's little to no limits here, as long as your dopaline meets the requirements for all the upgrades used!

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png


Req: Lvl.


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