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Dopalines have more diversity than just upgrades you know!


Standard Dopalines are the most common variant of the species in the Bound, there isn't a settlement in any region where you can't find some regular, run-of-the-mill, Dops living there.

Height Range:

2 ft Baby

6 - 4.9ft Biped

 5 - 3.9ft Quad

Notable Dopalines

Enti Minist

Oliver Minist

Miles Minist

Eris Ivy

Ombre Trench

Ah, Dillodins, the smallest member of the Dopaline family tree. These pint-sized Dops evolved quite curiously for being the natural inhabitants of Laswoid, the iconic plating along their back being for self-defence which does allow them to curl up into balls like pill-bugs or armadillos! It's not that uncommon for members of this subspecies to specialise in Speed Magic to really put their rolling capabilities into some good use, like turning it into an attack you'd expect some video game character to pull.  

Height Range:

1 ft Baby

5 - 3.5 ft Biped

 4 - 2.5 ft Quad

Dillodin Dopal Example.png

Notable Dopalines

None yet...

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Often considered by the more "regal" Subspecies as the Mongrels of the evolutionary family. Terrorhowls are a rather odd kind of Dopaline, with their large claws and scraggly fur and not to mention their strange, slouched or hunched sort of posture, these features being the staple of this subspecies.

Height Range:

3 ft Baby

7 - 5.5ft Biped

6 - 4.5ft Quad


Notable Dopalines

Inu Baorhart

Temp Snow Warden Icon.png

A Subspecies of Dopaline which is often believed to have the mindset that their species is to be "higher" than the others due to royal heritage. Snow Wardens who follow this kind of thinking however are mainly part of the older generations since most youngsters disagree with such ideas nowadays.

Height Range:

2 ft Baby

6.5 - 4.9 ft Biped

5.5 - 3.9 ft Quad


Notable Dopalines

None Yet...

The real reason why your mum told you not to swim too far on the beach, these fishy Dops live a life in both the sea and the land. They often say that you don't feel alive 'till you grab a fish with your bare paws, whether this is true is up to speculation since fishing is a big part of the coastal lifestyle especially for Tidalshifts.

Height Range:

2 ft Baby

6.5 - 4.9 ft Biped

 5.5 - 3.9 ft Quad

Tidalshift Baby Example.png

Notable Dopalines

Rally Petriger

buggy boi.png

Tiny tree-dwelling recluses, Glisects are often regarded as a weird cross between an insect, flying squirrel and a dopaline. They're known by many as thieving pests though.

Height Range:

1 ft Baby

5 - 3 ft Biped

4 - 2 ft Quad


Notable Dopalines

None Yet...

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