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Item Guide & Shop

Throughout your time in the Boundless you're sure to run into items! Here's a handy little guide to telling you what each one does, and some in-world price information in case you decide you want one for yourself!

We've got things for creating new characters, pets, and passes of all sorts! Come check em' out!

Character Creation

Standard Annual Pass

Price: 2 Adrins 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item grants its user an extra Standard Dop MYO slot. Once said slot is used, so is this item.

Desc: The most basic of the Annual Passes available. Most dops need one of these as a form of ID, without it how would they manage to explore the world around them?

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VIP Annual Pass

Price: Earned via events
Usage: Possession of this item grants its user a Custom Dop from a member of Staff. Once this is used, so is the item.

Desc: Well aren't you a special one? Custom dopalines may either have 1 mutation or be of a subspecies, and may come with whatever palette and upgrades you like within reason.

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Premium Annual Pass

Price: 4 Adrins 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item grants its user a Subspecies Dop MYO slot. Once said slot is used, so is this item.

Desc: This pass is believed to be a 1-up to the Standard. Usually owned by Subspecies dops, it's often forgotten that its only serving purpose is to tell standards and subs apart. 

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Junior Annual Pass

Price: 5 Adrins
Usage: Possession of this item grants its user an extra Breeding slot. Once said slot is used, so is this item.

Desc: This pass is often given to young dopalines just starting out in the world as a form of ID. It's said these dops are very special!

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Day Ticket

Price: 1 Adrins 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to transfer a character from outside the group into Boundless Horizons, once this transfer is used so is the item.

Desc: It's often wondered why this ticket even exists, we all live in the Bound in the first place so why do we need an entry ticket?

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Cursed Annual Pass

Price: Earned via Hallowrise Carnival's Apple Bobbing activity.
Usage: Possession of this item grants its user a Night Variant MYO slot. Once said slot is used, so is this item.

Desc: Ohh, oh you're..not gonna bite me, are you? It's said dopalines with this annual pass are very dangerous.

Pet Items

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Wyrmwood Whistle

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Riggeling MYO. The rarity of the Whistle determines how rare the Rigg can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Shockproof Collar

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Sparzynx MYO. The rarity of the Collar determines how rare the Zynx can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Flameproof Bugnet

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Flusterbug MYO. The rarity of the bugnet determines how rare the flusterbug can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Sandhunter's Saddle

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Marlogar MYO. The rarity of the saddle determines how rare the marlogar can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Essence Marble

Price: Free via completion of Prompt 7.

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create an Esseil MYO. This item may only be used once per dopaline, and is kept as housing for the esseil once it is created.

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Sleighrunner's Saddle

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Ferphin MYO. The rarity of the Saddle determines how rare the Ferphin can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Soot-Stained Eggbox

Price: 35 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Blacksmith's breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Distorted Gachapon Capsule

Price: 35 Gibits {Common}, 50 Gibits {Uncommon}, 75 Gibits {Rare}

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a Pockadat MYO. The rarity of the gachapon capsule determines how rare the pockadat can be. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Water-Damaged Eggbox

Price: 35 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Foamburst breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Frostbitten Eggbox

Price: 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Snowwalker breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Thunderstruck Eggbox

Price: 75 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Stormcaller breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Overgrown Eggbox

Price: 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Pollenglider breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Magnetised Eggbox

Price: 1 Adrin
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Oresnatcher breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.

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Wind-Battered Eggbox

Price: 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to create a MYO Valesli of the Breezebracer breed. Once this item has been used it will disappear from your inventory.


Creature-Friendly Fur Dye

Price: 1 Adrin 25 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows you to give your pet a complete redesign! Remember to stick to their rarity however and check with staff to see if their new appearance is legal or not. Once this item has been used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Curious Creature Crate

Price: Earned via events.

Usage: Possession of this item grants its user a Custom Pet from a member of Staff. The pet may be whatever species and rarity you wish, it could even be an unreleased species!

Fast Passes

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Ruby Fast Pass

Price: 35 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-5 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Citrine Fast Pass

Price: 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-10 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Topaz Fast Pass

Price: 75 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-15 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory..

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Emerald Fast Pass

Price: 1 Adrin
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-20 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Sapphire Fast Pass

Price: 1 Adrin 50 Gibits
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-25 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory.

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Amethyst Fast Pass

Price: 2 Adrins
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade in the level range 1-30 above their dop's current level. This skips all art/age requirements. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory..

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Diamond Fast Pass

Price: Earned via events
Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to add any 1 upgrade from the Special category to their dop, this skips all art/age requirements. You may not use this pass to skip requirements during an event. Once used, it will disappear from your inventory.

Character Customisation/Miscellaneous

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Marvin's Mutational Mix

Price: Earned via Miles' Brew during the Hallowrise Carnival event.

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to give any of their dopalines 1 mutation. This can be used at any time.

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Dream Fang

Price: 3 Adrins

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to change the subspecies of 1 dopaline.

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Last Rider's Pass

Price: 2 Adrins

Usage: An item that allows a user to grant themselves a 1 month extension to certain event features, such as Prompts & Limited MYOs. They may also be used to extend collaborative activites such as Art Wall & Hallowrise Mazes, and only one user needs to use an LRP to extend such things. A Last Rider's Pass may be used within a month of an event's closure.

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Magic Boon

Price: 50 Gibits

Usage: An item said to boost the chances of a dopal inheriting magic from their parents!

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Mutation Removal Potion

Price: 2 Adrins

Usage: Possession of this item grants its user the ability to remove 1 mutation from any of their dopalines.

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Price: Earned via events.

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to bring 1 dopaline back from the dead. Perfect for if you're not interested in learning ???!

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Growth Serum

Price: 2 Adrins 50 Gibits

Usage: This item will allow you to make a dopaline up to 1ft either above or below their species' maximum/minimum height.

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Upgrade Capsule

Price: Earned via completion of Prompt 8 and events.

Usage: Possession of this item allows its user to store 1 upgrade from Miles' Brew and give it to another dopaline of theirs. They may also trade it to other users. An Upgrade Capsule can only hold 1 upgrade at a time, but is reusable.

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Price: 2 Adrins

Usage: An item that allows you to give 1 dopaline an alternate palette. This does not change markings or upgrades, only colours. Use of this item must be shown through a reference of a dopaline's palettes side by side.

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Booster Tonic

Price: 1 Adrin

Usage: A sweet-tasting tonic that’s said to boost the chances of a dopal inheriting rarer traits from their parents, such as more upgrades or inherited magic!

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Feature Fruit

Price: 50 Gibits

Usage: A sweet fruit said to boost the chances of a dopal inheriting more upgrades or gaining mutations!

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