Magic School?
Not everyone learns magic the same way - some dopalines may prefer to go to a library to research before they try anything, others may prefer a more practical approach. Some like to take it at their own pace, others want more structure!
Schools aren’t the easiest to find outside of each zone’s capital city, however it seems a trio of dopalines have entered Amitowe to solve that problem! Introducing Amitowe’s Official Magic School, run by three dops - Tetra, Dax and Delta - eager to grant the dopals of Amitowe a structured and guided way to dip their toes in magic, and hopefully master it eventually!
Schooling is by no means necessary of course, but it’s hopefully a fun way to knock magic out the park and perhaps even make some friends!
How it Works
On a fairly frequent basis, 2 classes will be opened up for registration for about 4 or 5 days - one Elemental class taught by Dax, and one Scientific class taught by Tetra. Then, class will take place over a period of either 4 weeks for Basic magic, or 3 weeks for Advanced or Professional magic. A prompt will be posted at the start of each week, and the completed artwork will be expected by the end of that week.
Collaboration is heavily encouraged! If multiple users work on an artpiece, then they’ll all count as having done the work! Class is not only intended as a structured way for users to learn magic, but also as a way to create stories and plot with others!
Once the class period is over, users who completed all the work will receive a free ticket to the next level of magic alongside a certificate for the level of magic they just completed! This certificate means your dopaline is officially qualified to perform that magic, and may have an easier time finding jobs and adventuring related tasks in future!
Not interested in Magic Class, but want a certificate?
​Once you’ve completed independently learning a level of magic, you may apply for the certificate for your dopaline. Completing Magic Class just means you get it automatically without needing to apply!
What happens if I fail to complete a piece of work?
​It happens to the best of us - don’t worry too much about it! If you miss a deadline, you can still continue with the rest of the class. This does mean you won’t be eligible for the certificate or next level ticket at the end, however you will keep all of the skills you learned and incomplete progress you made towards any other skills. You’ll simply be expected to finish the magic in your own time and apply for the certificate!
Rules & Prerequisites
One user may be in 2 classes at one time. They may have either 1 dopaline in each class, or 1 dopaline in both classes.
Artwork must be completed within the one week deadline for each prompt to count towards class completion.
Much like for independent magic, a dopaline must be a TEEN with a FUNCTIONAL GEAR to be able to participate in a magic class.
You must have a ticket for the class’s level of magic to join a class. Every user starts with 2 free magic tickets in each level - 2 Basic Tickets, 2 Advanced Tickets and 2 Professional Tickets. These tickets are replenished every anniversary, but do not stack.
But WHY do a Magic Class?
While yes, learning magic through magic class does take a lot longer than it would independently, magic class hopefully compensates for this with its other incentives!
All artwork follows the Double Gear requirements, even if your dopaline only has 1 gear.
An exception to this is Cracked Gear. Art for dopalines with cracked gear is required to meet the standard requirements.
There is no cooldown between skills
A more guided and structured approach is offered to learning magic. This works well for people who work better with specific prompts and deadlines!
Encouraged interaction and collaboration, as well as opportunities to build your dopalines as characters and develop their stories and relationships!
In a class, you’ll have to stay focused on the subject of that class - super helpful for those who don’t know where to start with magic!
That’s about it! Class registration will be announced in the #class-bulletin channel in the discord server, so when that happens just go ahead and fill out the template down in #class-registration! We can’t wait to see you there!