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The Boundless

The Boundless is the curious realm that the Dopalines inhabit, to us it might as well just be a giant theme park but to them It's their entire world!


One of the main regions of the Bound, known for it's beautiful rolling fields and lush forests, this region is home to many folk of all kinds. It has a mostly temperate climate and makes for easy comfortable living!

Native Dopaline Species: Standard

Capital City: Streklin

Settlements and Towns


A relatively medium sized region of the Bound, some would say it's like a cross between a desert and a savannah but all agree on that it's climate can be a nightmare for those with thick furry coats.

Native Dopaline Species: Dillodin

Capital City: ???

Settlements and Towns


This smallish region of the Bound is best known for it's seemingly endless woodlands and frequent bouts of rain  and sometimes even storms. Most seem to believe that this region isn't a pleasant place but it's inhabitants are eager to prove that wrong, those who do go there often come back talking about the local traditions and interesting wildlife.

Native Dopaline Species: Terrorhowl

Capital City: ???

Settlements and Towns


A grand region known for it's cold temperatures and even colder attitudes. The land is covered in snow and beautiful lavish architecture, mainly funded by royal families and hardworking dopalines. Oftentimes outsiders are frowned upon by some of the more old fashioned dops, but that hasn't stopped other species from moving in!


Native Dopaline Species: Snow Warden

Capital City: ???

Settlements and Towns


A newly dubbed region that takes up much of the coasts, its made up of beautiful tropical shores and islands which the local dopaline can swim between with ease. They tend to be faced with lots of tropical storms, but many find that price is worth it for the warm sun and cool ocean waves. 

Native Dopaline Species: Tidalshifts

Capital City: ???

Settlements and Towns

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