Before you worry, no we're not calling Dastardos on you.
What's the Big Deal?
Well just like us, not everything is invulnerable to disease and decay! This goes for our lovely dops here too because boy they sure can catch a fierce cold if you're not careful, among other illnesses too.
How an illness works here is that you can give 'em to a kiddo whenever you please {unless it's seasonal or exclusive to a certain place of course}, then to rid them of it you can take one of two paths!
The classic "Wait it out and get some rest" method, for this you simply wait till it's been the specified length of time for a illness and go hit up a mod to see whether it's left you or not. Do be aware that Cure 1 isn't 100% effective and so may end in prolonged sickness, of course if that's what you want then go ahead I guess?
Medication retrieval, Eeby admits that although her first recommendation is to get yourself some rest, she does also recommend to get medicinal help too. The only problem being that if you want a full cure and not just various painkillers and the like to help null certain effects, you gotta scavenge for the ingredients yourself so she can turn 'em into said full cure. She says this is because the manufactured versions often fail or are expensive as hell to order in.
Gear Flu
Like a regular cold, but magical!
Runny or blocked Noses
Sore Throat
High Temperatures
Sudden Magic Outbursts
Gear Flu isn't the most pleasant of common colds, you feel icky and your magic is quite literally on the fritz! One moment you could be stood sneezing in a park only to be causing a Sound Magic Sonic Boom the next! It's even harder for those with Multi-Gear since the stronger magical ability makes things, well a right handful.
Typical Illness length: 1-2 Weeks
Medicine Ingredients: ???
They say you can finish each other's sentences with this!
Abnormal Emotional states
Odd Thoughts from another
Struggling to sleep
Weakened Magic
Ah Synchro-Sickness, an intriguing illness indeed ​that causes you to both be sick and strangely connected to another dop you know through who knows what kind of weird magical shenanigans! You often end up sharing thoughts with your "Synchro-Sick Buddy" alongside just symptoms symptoms and emotions, so if you're Synced up with someone you hate or secretly love, well I feel sorry for you!
Typical Illness length: ??? Weeks
Medicine Ingredients: ???