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EXP and its Uses

Shading Guide EXP BH.png

EXP is the main way to help your character grow here, the higher lvl your Dopaline is the more upgrades you can access and such. All Dopalines start at lvl 0.


In order for your Dopaline to grow up and become and adult, they'll need to be at least level 10! Until then, regardless of what level they are, they can only use baby upgrades!

With each piece of art that you make, the characters of yours which are included gain exp, if you draw an image without any of your Dopalines involved you can simply give the exp to any char you like as long as they are your own.

Headshots - 10 EXP

Busts/Halfbodies - 15 EXP

Fullbodies - 30 EXP

Gifts/NPCs - 15 EXP

Pets/Creatures - 10 EXP (only for Fullbodies and Halfbodies)

Simple Shading - 10 EXP

Complex Shading - 20 EXP

Hyper Complex Shading - 35 EXP

Simple Background - 15 EXP

Complex Background - 50 EXP

Stories - 10 EXP every 50 words

Animations - Will be judged by Staff

Real World Crafts - Will be Judged by Staff


​Lvl.1 - 100 EXP 

​Lvl.2 - 200 EXP 
Lvl.3 - 300 EXP

​Lvl.4 - 400 EXP 

​Lvl.5 - 500 EXP 
Lvl.6 - 600 EXP

​Lvl.7 - 700 EXP 

​Lvl.8 - 800 EXP 
Lvl.9 - 900 EXP

​Lvl.10 - 1000 EXP

Lvl.11 - 1100 EXP 

Lvl.12 - 1200 EXP

Lvl.13 - 1300 EXP

Lvl.14 - 1400 EXP 

Lvl.15 - 1500 EXP

Lvl. 16 - 1600 EXP
Lvl. 17 - 1700EXP
Lvl. 18 - 1800 EXP

Lvl. 19 - 1900 EXP
Lvl. 20 - 2000 EXP

Lvl. 21 - 2100 EXP

Lvl. 22 - 2200 EXP

Lvl. 23 - 2300 EXP
Lvl. 24
 - 2400 EXP
Lvl. 25
 - 2500 EXP

Lvl. 26 - 2600 EXP

Lvl. 27 - 2700 EXP

Lvl. 28 - 2800 EXP

Lvl. 29 - 2900 EXP

Lvl. 30 - 3000 EXP


and so on!

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