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How to Make a Dopal

This here is a baby Dopaline, otherwise known as a Dopal or a Dop. In this guide we'll be teaching you how to design a MYO or "Make your Own" Dopal. When you join the group, you start with 4 MYO slots! 

First things first, we should list out the main features of a Dopal that make them well, them! 


- Snaggle-toothed Bottom Fangs

- Short droopy Tail 

- Heart-shaped Nose

- Paws, no claws, no pawpads

- Their Magical Gear


These features are mandatory if you wish your Dopal to be accepted.


Ok, first features for you to nail down are the nose and mouth, here are some examples of what should and shouldn't be done with the muzzle. 



> Make the nose any shape other than the one specified.

> Give your Dopal normal fangs!

> Make the top fangs snaggle-toothed and sticking out!

(These are all upgrades, meaning it can be changed in the future!)



> Make the inside of their mouth fleshy tones!

> Give them a heart shaped nose

> Make sure they have prominent lower snaggle fangs! That show even when their mouths are closed!


Legs, now, this is pretty simple, the deal with these is that Dopals must have pawed feet, not claws nor hooves, nor anything else. It's easy! Just give them paws!


Dopalines don't start out with natural claws or pawpads!

Correct Tail.png


And onto the final part of the anatomy section, the gear. The Gear on a Dopal is very important! It's one you cannot forget about. Without a gear a Dopal has no way to generate the magical essence necessary for magic, and their survival. 


All gears must start out in the shape shown on the correct example, it will be possible for the gear's shape to be altered in the future but for now all Dopal gears must follow this specific shape.

Correct Legs.png


Next, onto tails! The most important thing about these is that they're short and droopy, sort of like a Lynx's tail! Don't forget! they've got a rounded shape to them!



> Give them a long tail

> Make their tail stick up, it must be droopy!

Correct Gears.png

Anywhere in gold is a suitable place for your Dopal to have their gear! This can be moved in the future (via upgrades) if you dislike its current placement. If you get a conflicting upgrade, the gear will just shift slightly, or the upgrade will adjust around the gear. 


REMEMBER! It's near impossible for a Dopaline to truly live without its gear!


Now we're onto the real fun part, colouring your Dopal! Pictured on the right are a bunch of colour palettes for your kid to use, you can't mix and match colours from different palettes to suit your own liking, you must use the colours from the palette you choose.

You can choose from any of these MYO pallets! Click on the image to open up a better quality version of them! 

Keep in mind, that during certain events different pallets become available! As long as the event is still running, the pallet is still valid! Feel free to ask further questions in the discord server!


 The base of your Dopal can be any colour from your chosen palette, you can also pick up to two 'secondaries' to use as markings (from the same pallet!)

Basic MYO Palettes.png


Once you've chosen your colors it's time to give your Dopal some markings! Your Dopal can have up to 5 markings! There are no set placements, so you can pretty much go wild as long as the markings aren't too complicated, try to avoid replicating any existing marking upgrades, and make sure they don't cover more than 40% of the body.


Symmetrical placements count as one marking, and marking placements can overlap as long as they don't look distinctively like contour markings.


The bigger and blobbier, the better!

Each Dopal is allowed to have two colours chosen by you, these being the eye color and the accent color. The accent is the colour is used for the nose, and the gear! Whilst the eye is, of course, their eye colour! These can be any colour EXCEPT pure black or white.


Ok, final steps! This is the application template for baby Dopals, you can find the link to it by just by clicking the image here. This is where you put your Dopaline once you're finished designing them!

You also have to include the colours they're using in the palette box, this means both the chosen palette colors, accent colors, and eye colours. You also must include their name in the top area. Whether this is their first name, fullname or even nickname doesn't really matter as long as something is there (and if it's a nickname, their proper name is in the desc).

Buster is our lovely App example.png

Here's an example of what an app should look like. All features are visible, such as the snaggle teeth, gear and markings (or lack there of, in this case)! And colours that have been used are properly placed in the palette box.


NOTE: Mouth colors (general fleshy tones) don't have to be placed in the pallet box, nor do the white sclera color & teeth color.

Hopefully if you've gotten to this point you're almost good to go, all you need to do now is to fill in the description below! This is necessary for a baby app. Adding extras, such as personality or backstory isn't needed, but if you wanna do it then go for it!


Name: This is where you'd put the name of your Dopal
Gender: This is where you'd put your Dopal's Gender
Creation: Put MYO, unless another method was used
Species: Put Standard Dopaline, unless they're a subspecies
Hatch Location: Just put the Amitowe Fostery, for now...

Alright! Now let's get you over to the approval journal and get that kid official!


Just click the image to the left, or head to the #baby-and-grow-up-approvals channel on the discord server!

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