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Marlogar MYO page

Common MYOs get [10] points total during creation!


Uncommon MYOS get [14] points total during creation!


Rare MYOs get [21] points total during creation!




   This means that common's can have rare traits, and rare can still be stuck with common traits! To the left are some random examples of common, uncommon, and rare traits, but please refer to the guides below to figure out what traits your Marlogar will have!




Yellow = Common Trait = 1 points

Orange = Uncommon Trait = 2 points

Red = Rare Trait = 3 points





You go through each trait, and yes, you MUST have one of each trait, and add up the point total of the different rarities. The total number of points determines the rarity! Make sure you're making a Marlogar with the rarity you've got! 


You can always spend FEWER points!



Base Pelt Colour:

Common =  Natural +1 point

Uncommon = Bright, Unnatural + 2 points

Rare = Pastel +3 points



Common =  Splotchy and Big +1 point

Uncommon = Stripes and Bands +2 points
Uncommon = Contour 
+2 points

Rare = Any +3 points



Common = Perked +1 point
Common = Terrier +1 point

Uncommon = Tall-Eared +2 points

Uncommon = Half-Flop +2 points
Uncommon = Lop-Eared +2



Common = Neck Ruff +1 points

Uncommon = Ruff 'N' Scruff +2 points

Rare = Noble Mane +3 points



Common = Regular Tail +1 points

Uncommon = Short and Stubby +2 points
Uncommon = Long 
+2 points

Rare = Nekomata +3 points


Blade Shape:

Common = Regular +1 point

Uncommon = Cleaver +2 points

Uncommon = Serrated +2 points
Uncommon = Hawkbill 
+2 points

Rare = Sickle +3 points
Rare = Reaper's 
+3 points


Blade Metal:

Common = Iron +1 point

Uncommon = Copper +2 points
Uncommon = Silver +2 points
Uncommon = Gold +2 points

Rare = Unnaturally Coloured +3 points



Common = Horns +1 point
Common = Blade Floof +1 point
Common = Leg Floof +1 point

Uncommon = Scales +2 points
on = Unnatural Mouth Colour +2 points

Rare = More Blades +3 points

Rare = Multi-Tail +3 points

If you picked all common traits, you would have 7 total points, if you have fewer than this number, you missed something! When you submit your Marlogar MYO, you do not have to list the traits it has, or the amount of points you used! This is just to keep track of rarity! 

Quick list of things to keep in mind during creation!


- The blade of a Marlogar must have a circular notch in it, this notch can be anywhere on the blade as long as it's there.

- Their ear insides and paw pads can be any colour already on their palette.

- If they have horns, their horns can be any pre-existing horn upgrade for dopalines within reason. {Krampus horns is legal for example}

- More Blades allows your Marlogar to have blades in more locations than just the tail, valid locations being spine, snout, limbs and even fangs.

- If they have horns, they can be any color you'd like

- Their eye color can also be anything you'd like

- Commons only get access to offshoots of their base color for patterns, Uncommons get 1 accent color to add, and Rare's have free range when it comes to color.

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