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Riggeling MYO page

Common MYOs get [11] points total during creation!


Uncommon MYOS get [15] points total during creation!


Rare MYOs get [21] points total during creation!




   This means that common's can have rare traits, and rare can still be stuck with common traits! To the left are some random examples of common, uncommon, and rare traits, but please refer to the guides below to figure out what traits your Riggeling will have!




Yellow = Common Trait = 1 points

Orange = Uncommon Trait = 2 points

Red = Rare Trait = 3 points





You go through each trait, and yes, you MUST have one of each trait, and add up the point total of the different rarities. The total number of points determines the rarity! Make sure you're making a Riggeling with the rarity you've got! 


You can always spend FEWER points!


Rig pelt chart.png

Pelt Color:

Common = Bright Base +1 points

Uncommon = Pastel Base +2 points
Uncommon = Dark Base +2 points

Rare = Grayscale Base +3 points

Rig Tails.png


Common = Pinchy Tail +1 points

Uncommon = Grabby +2 points
Uncommon = Scoopy Tail +2 points

Rare = Scammy Tail +3 points


Common = Riggeling Plush +1 points
Common = Other Wildlife Plush +1 points

Uncommon = Dopaline Plush +2 points

Rare = Real world Creature Plush +3 points

Extra Features:

Common = Horns {Any Type} +1 point
Common = Draco Spine +1 point
Common = Danger Paws +1 point


Uncommon = Matching Wings +2 points
Uncommon = Snaggletoothed +2 points
Uncommon = Extra Pair of Ears +2 points


Rare = Mistmatched Wings +3 points

Rare = Multi-Tails +3 points

Rare = Neck Poof +3 points

Rig Ears.png


Common = Upright +1 point
Common = Tramp's Ears +1 point

Uncommon = Half Flop +2 points

Uncommon = Forward Flop +2 points

Rare = Lady's Ears + 3 points
Rare = Curled Ears +3 points

Rig Extras 1.png
Rig Extras 2.png
Rig Extras 3.png
Rig Extras 4.png
Rig Extras 5.png
Rig Extras 6.png
Rig Extras 7.png

If you picked all common traits, you would have 3 total points, if you have fewer than this number, you missed something! When you submit your Riggeling MYO, you do not have to list the traits it has, or the amount of points you used! This is just to keep track of rarity! 

Rig MYO Mocha Art.png

Quick list of things to keep in mind during creation!


- A riggeling's markings are always either within the hue of their base or offshoots, the only exception to this is when their base is grayscale which allows markings to come from any hue!

- Rigs actually have pawpads, except they're a singular peet that shares their eye colour.

- Their Iris can be any colour bar pure white or black, go wild starchild!

- While they may not always be on show, Riggelings have rows of sharp teeth in their mouths when opened.

- Tail tips can be any colour you wish, wheras horns and claws can be any colour already present on your rig.


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