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The truth has been distorted

TW: Child Abuse

"You've been learning ████ magic, haven't you!?"

"No, no mum I haven't-"



The sound of her hand making contact with her child's cheek rang throughout the house, so loud that even her wife flinched and looked her way in bewilderment.


"Don't you dare lie to me," She snapped, towering over her child, who cowered in response. "I saw you! I heard you! You can deny it all you want, but I saw your gear! No other magic glows that colour!"


The child kept quiet, their protests dying in their throat as they tried to think of something, anything that could help them. Nope, nothing. Their cover was blown, what if they were thrown in prison or something? Their brother wouldn't be able to handle that, they doubted their other mother would either...


"Harmony, dear." Harmony's wife stood up from the table to place a hand on her wife's shoulder, homework forgotten for now. "Calm down."

"I am calm." The subtle red glow of Harmony's gear told everyone in the room otherwise, but she offered her wife a smile in an attempt to be reassuring.


Right as she struck her child again, her hand aflame this time.

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