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How it All Began...

Well everyone knows that a land can't just originate from nothing, right?

It all started with 7 Deities. Though wouldn't 8 seem a bit more y'know, rounded? 


These deities created the Bound using their own elemental prowess, Rexik and Terion sculpting the landscapes and flora while Conay, Stelta and Verest worked together to grant this young world oceans, rivers and a rather volatile weather system. Milioo and Nesir however joined forces to bless the denizens of the Bound with heat and energy to light up their new days and deathly danger to threaten their last nights.

Yet one deity felt that this place was desolate, the quiet beauty of it all seemed too lonely for ###, ###### was ### name and ### ### ###### ## ### ### ## #### #####, ## ####### ##### ### #### ######## ### ####### ## ###### ### ##### #### #### #### #### ####### #######.


Utilising this talent of ####, ###### created the Dopaline species starting with a small pack of them, the genders of this pack didn't matter to ### frankly, ### merely generated these creatures as company rather than to breed them. 


Once ### finished making this pack, ### began creating other beasts to accompany this small band of feral Dops, ferocious platypi and an odd mix of equine and feline being among these.

As ###### kept crafting wildlife, ### pack of Dops were left in the clutches of evolution. The group growing and changing as they discovered more and more about their new world and themselves, the deities rarely stepped in.


######## wishes were to leave them to their own devices, out of fear that mass interaction with these first Dopalines could cause a dependence on these god-like entities who gave them their entire world, ### wanted them to be free and to develop on their own.

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