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Use thunderbolt!

Zap Zap! Sparky element! This one is a wild one, it's said that nobody really ever has full control over it, considering how wild and energetic it is. Although, that wont stop those who want to learn Electric magic! 


As you may have guessed, this element is all about energy and electricity! It's said that those with a wild energy have the best time understanding how to get a hold of this element, but like all elements, anyone can learn it! 


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Static Charge

Desc: The simple stepping stone to other Electric magic, Static Charge is the ability that eases a dopal into understanding electricity and how it works. Once a dopaline is aware of how static works and how to charge it throughout their body, they can start drawing static from the air and manipulating it for whatever they need it for!


Learning: The best tip for learning this skill is to rub a balloon on yourself and focus the resulting feeling throughout your entire body!

Limits/Risks: A static charge isn't much more than that - static. The most you can do with it is maybe give another dopaline a little jolt, this ability mostly acts as a necessary learning step for more powerful abilities.

Lil' Zappy

Desc: Ah, the Lil' Zappy, the step up from Static Charge. Now you understand electricity, either through learning Static Charge or just reading a lot of books, and can actually start doing the fun stuff! This skill is often learned by pranksters who want to shock their friends, sparzynx owners who want to be more in tune with their pet, or just dops with faulty electrical equipment that don't want to pay for help. 


Learning: To learn this ability, it's advised that a dopaline stand in a field and focus on taking electricity in from around them. Another, less safe method some like to use involves wires, though this one is less recommended.

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Limits/Risks: If you're not careful, you can end up shocking yourself. This ability is rather weak aside from that, just a minor electric shock at most.

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Pins and Needles

Desc: Everyone is familiar with the feeling of pins and needles, that tingling you get when you've sat in a specific way for too long. Dopalines with this ability can inflict that feeling on themselves and others! At the expense of their friends' happiness, of course.


Learning: Many recommend studying the feeling of pins and needles in your limbs, so the first tip is to just sit or lie down on a limb. With that feeling in mind, try to spread that feeling throughout your body. Once you've achieved this, you can try it on other dops simply by touching them!

Limits/Risks: You may end up with some very irritated dops on your paws with this one, the feeling of pins and needles isn't pleasant. Much like the other abilities, this isn't the strongest, but can segway into much stronger skills.

Spark Sphere

Desc: Perhaps the most exciting of all Basic Electricity skills, Spark Sphere is where you really start to get a taste of what you’ll be able to do further down the line. This ability is frequently used by dopalines that want to zap that particularly annoying guy from across the room, or entertainers that want to make a more shocking lightshow than fire can provide!


Learning: Dopalines learning this skill are often advised to stand in a field or on a hill just after a thunderstorm, as the electrical energy in the air will be much greater than usual. Here, they should cup their hands together and focus on bringing all the electrical energy around them into their hands! The result should be a sparky little ball.

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Limits/Risks: Spark Spheres are somewhat unruly and hard to maintain, as they gained their name from how they seem to spark with electrical energy trying to dissipate back into the air.



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Limits/Risks: This ability requires physical contact to be made and kept, though it’ll remain in effect for a few minutes once contact is ceased. It can also leave lasting psychological and possible physical damage, though the latter is relatively unlikely.

PREREQUISITE: Pins and Needles

Desc: Used most by law enforcement, with this ability handcuffs really aren’t needed. Paralysis entails exactly what it implies - numbing your target’s limbs so they end up limp and twitching on the floor for a few minutes, or as long as you’re still in physical contact with them. 


Learning: Much like with Pins and Needles, a dopaline should know how to inflict this ability on themselves before they try with others. To learn this skill, one should cast Pins and Needles on themselves, then focus on the numbing feeling that accompanies the tingling. Once they collapse to the ground with no feeling in their limbs, they’ll know they’ve nailed it!

Charge Beam


Desc: A combative dopaline’s best friend, Charge Beam is a good way of dealing some quick damage while keeping your distance. Charging the electricity around you into a concentrated beam isn’t the easiest of skills, but it also isn’t the hardest, so many electricians may also learn it to do their job from range without need for a ladder or other equipment.


Learning: Similar to Spark Sphere, it’s recommended you stand in a field post-thunderstorm and gather the electricity around you. However, rather than gathering it into a ball, you should focus on sending it outwards in one direction. It’s best to start small with this ability, though with more practice you’ll be able to charge it up for stronger beams.

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Limits/Risks: If used in instances of extreme emotion, a beam may be charged to potentially dangerous levels. Electricity in general is a fairly dangerous element to mess with.

Storm Generator

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Desc: A step up from static is an entire storm charged throughout your body! This skill is perfect for if a dopaline doesn’t want to go through the hassle of getting an electrical generator.


Learning: Rather than finding a field post thunderstorm, dopalines learning this skill are recommended to stand in a field or on a hill during one! They should then focus on pulling all of the electrical charge into themselves, and letting it course evenly throughout their body without electrocuting them.

Limits/Risks: This skill can be quite a risky one to learn, but the payoff is what most would consider worth it. It’s also advised to keep away from wifi routers when charged up, as a simple touch could result in a temporary outage and a lot of annoyed housemates.

Electro Ball


Desc: Used for fighting and entertainment alike, though the latter is much more impressive in the eyes of most. A prettier lightshow than the Spark Sphere, and a significantly better show of magical prowess, this is definitely the skill to go for if you want to impress your pals.


Learning: To learn this skill, use the same methods you did for Spark Sphere, except this time focusing harder and pushing the electrical energy together. With enough focus and patience, possibly even taking some electricity from yourself, you should have a larger, more stable ball in front of you.

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Limits/Risks: An Electroball, while more stable than a Spark Sphere, can quickly become unstable if a dopaline isn’t paying enough attention. This can also electrocute a dopal if it makes direct contact with them, though for some this may be the goal. It’s generally not recommended to actively seek to hurt others though, this skill is best suited when quick self defence is needed.


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Destructive Discharge

PREREQUISITES: Storm Generator & Lil' Zappy

Desc: To bring all the electricity from yourself and around you and push it outwards into what can only be described as a shockwave is generally seen as a skill perfect for self defence. Reclusive dopals may also enjoy this skill if they’re more aligned with electricity than fire, and it also works to make pretty dangerous looking settings for action movies!


Learning: This is another skill where the dopal learning is recommended to be alone, as a successful attempt will result in a lot of electricity being sent out in all directions. Stand in a field, regardless of weather, and focus the electricity into your body, then push it all outwards with as much force as you can possibly muster.

Limits/Risks: An inexperienced dopaline could end up pushing too much electricity out of themselves. The result of this tends to just be exhaustion though, and some rest should do the trick to fix it as by this point the dopal’s body will passively absorb some electrical energy around it if it’s lacking. The other risk of this skill is the damage it could cause to others, as anyone in range will no doubt be electrocuted by it.

Stun Grenade

PREREQUISITES: Spark Sphere & Paralysis

Desc: The Stun Grenade is a skill renowned for its usefulness, both in utility and in law enforcement. It’s the perfect way to end a police chase on both sides, as if either of them have this skill it can mean either a captured or escaped criminal. It’s also a fun way to prank your friends, or buy yourself time to flee from a particularly sticky situation!


Learning: To learn this skill, it’s recommended to simply make a Spark Sphere, and focus the numbing feeling of Paralysis into it. Then, throw it at a target, it doesn’t matter which, and the effect should be the target feeling the effects of the Paralysis skill!

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Limits/Risks: The duration of this skill is slightly longer than usual Paralysis, and doesn’t require physical contact. Additionally, it can hit multiple targets at once if more than one dopaline is unlucky enough to be in its radius.

Thunder Struck

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PREREQUISITES: Charge Beam & Pins and Needles

Desc: An ability said to leave its targets feeling like they’ve been struck by lightning, this skill is perfect for if you really want to leave an impression on someone. Used mostly in combat, law enforcement tend to find this one useful too if a criminal is being especially unruly.


Learning: Learning this skill is as simple as charging up a stronger Charge Beam, though generating some electricity for yourself from a storm is also recommended as it’ll allow you to charge up something really impressive. Whether you pair up or not is up to you, though it’s advised as this is another skill that affects others.

Limits/Risks: A strong enough beam can actually tear through materials with ease, so structural damage is a real threat. This also isn’t just an ability to be throwing around for ‘pranks’, as it isn’t as harmless as some other skills - no, this can leave actual, lasting damage on a dopaline. It’s recommended you only use this one for self defence.

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