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Esseil MYO
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Esseil tend to start off as a bit of a blank slate, but as your skills evolve, so do they! By reaching different milestones with magic, you can upgrade and change your esseil's appearance to be exactly what you want.


These pets are nowhere near as customisable as dopalines, but that's to be expected!

Stage 1: Seillings

An esseil seilling is effectively its baby stage. It has no experience with magic other than what it was created from, so its appearance is fairly basic!


Seillings should be small and serpentine, their only limbs being two large flippers. Their eyes are large and have no irises, and their ears are also large with no inner ears. Their ears should be shaped closest to the Goat Ears upgrade, and their snout should have a bit of a bump! Seilling nostrils should also be large, like a V shape but not connected, and they have no visible mouth.


The back of a seilling's neck should have some fluff at the back, and the most important part of their anatomy is that they have a gear! This can be anywhere on their body, similar to a dopaline's. If their owner has double gear, so do they. Their tail can be tipped with fur, a fin, a simple shape, or nothing.



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Colour wise, a seilling should be relatively simple. Their body can be any colour as long as it isn't black or white, and they can have 1 marking colour within the same hue.


They also have 1 accent colour that has to be used for the gear, and 1 eye colour. Their mane and any tailtip(whether you pick shaped or furred/finned) can be either the accent or eye colour.


Seillings are allowed 2-3 markings, and can pick up to 2 marking upgrades!


Every time you reach Professional level with a magic type, you may add 1 magic upgrade to your esseil.

Stage 2: Marblets

Your esseil becomes a marblet once your dopaline has reached Professional level in any 6 magic types.


Physically, they increase in length and gain a mouth with two fangs pointed downwards. Their flippers gain small "notches" that they can use as fingers, and their mane and tail accessory grows in length and size.

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You may add 1 more marking upgrade to your esseil, as well as a new marking in general(or simply change an existing one). The new/changed marking does not have to be the same hue as the base.


Your esseil also gains 1 special upgrade!

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Stage 3: Esserpents

Your esseil becomes an esserpent once your dopaline has reached Professional level in all magic types.


Their fangs extend to become tusks, and their tail lengthens considerably, with their mane extending down it. Their tail also splits into two at the tip, and if they had a shape at the tailtip, it duplicates to be at both tips. Their flippers also gain another notch.

You can give your esseil 1 more marking upgrade, and you can freely shift around their other markings as long as the colours are kept the same!


You may also give your esseil 1 more special upgrade.

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