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Don't go tooting your own horn over these

All horns can be either accent or eye colour!

Level 11

Young Buck Antlers

Young Buck Antlers Upgrade Art.png


Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns 

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into the beginnings of a pair of antlers.

Reptile Horns

Reptile Horns Upgrade Art.png

"C'mon Dragon boy, show us what you're made of!"

Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into a pair of upward-facing horns, kinda like a dragon's?

Billy Goat Horns

Billy Goat Horns Upgrade Art.png

"If you dare cross my bridge, I will demolish you"

Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into the beginnings of some goat horns. 

Hook Horns

hook horns.png

"What can I say, except, delete this!"

Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your dopaline's horns have grown and bent over! Make sure you don't get them caught on anything!

Bullseye Horns

Bullseye Horns Upgrade Art.png

"Buddy, I don't think you're a Sherif's horse"

Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into the beginnings of some Bovine Horns.

Sleigh Horns

sleigh horns.png

"Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, Ring ting tingling too!"

Req: Lvl. 11 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your dopaline's horns have become long and flat, except at the tip where they bend upwards!

Level 12

Double Danger Prongs

Double Danger Prongs Upgrade Art.png

"Hey! Who said that you get two pairs of horns?"

Req: Lvl. 12 + Any horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's horns have seemed to double? My My, this is a curious development, from my research this isn't completely compatible with all horns however.

Uni Horn

Uni Horn Upgrade Art.png

"So if you're a Unicorn, where's your barbarian?"

Req: Lvl. 12 + Lidl Horn

Desc: Your Dopaline's singular horn has grown longer and larger, you can call yourself a true magical creature now!

Bent Horns


"It looks like someone hit your horns with a crowbar or something."

Req: Lvl. 12 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into a pair of horns that are somewhat crooked in the middle. 

Level 13

Curled Horns


"Curious, very Curious indeed."

Req: Lvl. 13 + Smol Horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown into a pair of wondrously curly and curvy horns.

Goal Horns



Req: Lvl. 13 + Lidl Horn

Desc: Your Dopaline's horn has seemed to grow into a strange set of horns like those shown in the upgrade art. This upgrade connects from the forehead like this.

Flat Horns


"Like little Tree Stumps but on your noggin!"

Req: Lvl. 13 + Smol horns

Desc: Your Dopaline's little horn nubs have grown out long yet flat on top as shown in the upgrade art, they also have seemed to take on the colour of the area they're placed on?

Snap Horns

Snap Horns.png

"I am, inevitable"

Req: Lvl. 13 + Smol horns

Desc: Your horns grow to the shape pictured above! They snap upwards, hence the name! 

Questionable Horns

Questionable Horns Upgrade Art.png

"Oh what a kerfuffle!"

Req: Lvl. 13 + Smol Horns 

Desc: Your Dopaline's horns have grown into a rather strange pair that seem to curl like a question mark? odd.

Level 14

Ram Horns


"The time has come for the Wickerman to arrive, Together we shall feed the Flames!"

Req: Lvl. 14 + Billy Goat Horns 

Desc: Your Dopaline's horns have grown to curl around their ears like those of a Ram!

Impala Horns


"Come on Superman, say your stupid line."

Req: Lvl. 14 + Billy Goat Horns

Desc: Your dop's horns have grown a bit, and started twisting a bit like an impala's!

Pinchy Horns

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can't tear, it tosses far."

Req: Lvl. 14 + Reptile Horns

Desc: Seems your dop's horns have grown upwards and point at each other, kind of like the Pokemon Pinsir! Optionally, you can include some spikes(again, like pinsir).

Level 15

Full Danger Prongs

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Two DIFFERENT horns? You're pulling my leg!"

Req: Lvl. 15 + Double Danger Prongs

Desc: Now your dop can have two full sets of horns! Note that the front horns must match, and the back horns must match - the only way to mismatch the front pair or the back pair is with Mismatched Mayhem.

Catastrophe Horns

catastrophe horns.png

"So we have elder dragons eating other elder dragons. Wonderful."

Req: Lvl. 15 + Bullseye Horns

Desc: Seems your dop's horns have grown into some large, intimidating things that bend off to the side like in the example image!

Gruff Horns

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Oh no you won’t!"

Req: Lvl. 15 + Billy Goat Horns

Desc: Your dop's little horns have grown much bigger!

Level 16

Moose Horns

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Oh, yeah. Beauty, eh? Well, he's a squirrel. I'm more of a pure-breed wolverine. Look at these cuspids. Rrrr!"

Req: Lvl. 16 + Young Buck Antlers

Desc: Seems your dop's horns resemble a moose's now!

Bolt Horns

bolt horns.png

"We run this town!"

Req: Lvl. 16 + Billy Goat Horns

Desc: Your dop's horns now point forward, and have little ridges going down them.

Level 17

Tundra Horns

tundra horns.png

"Tundra leg is both leg and arm at the same time. A marvel of modern science."

Req: Lvl. 17 + Smol Horns

Desc: Seems your dop has grown some thick horns that resemble the example image!

Buffalo Horns


"Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and your insipid dreams magically come true! So let. It. Go."

Req: Lvl. 17 + Bullseye Horns

Desc: Your dop's horns have grown huge and bend off to the side, like those of a buffalo! Make sure you don't stab anyone with 'em!

Level 18

Stag's Antlers


"Nice rack, but they probably aren't natural."

Req: Lvl. 18 + Young Buck Antlers

Desc: Your dop's antlers have grown into a rather large rack! These may be any shape you can find on a deer.

Twisty Horns

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"The Ultimate Screw"

Req: Lvl. 18 + Impala Horns

Desc: Oh goodie, your dop's horns have twisted even more and now resemble those of a kudu!

Level 19

Ibex Horns

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Woah! Don't stab someone with those!"

Req: Lvl. 19 + Gruff Horns

Desc: Your dop's horns have grown huge and bent backwards, much like an ibex's!


Placeholder Upgrade Art.png


Req: Lvl. ???

Desc: ???

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