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Special upgrades- or once thought of as side effects from learning magic, dops have since come to name them as upgrades!


Flaming Tip

Fire 1 Flaming Tail Tip.png

"Liar Liar pants on- OH DEAR YOU'RE ON FIRE!"

Req. Fire Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline's tail tip gains a flame at the end! It doesn't hurt them, and should be fire colored. The fire usually doesn't cause things to light on fire! However if your dop is emotional or really not paying attention, things might get bad

Flaming Hair

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Uh, guys? Olympus would be that way."

Req. Fire Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop's gained some..luscious, flaming locks! This can be any style as long as it's clearly fire!

Komainu Brows

komainu brows.png

"Oh my swirls! When I'm in the city, it's nothing but surprises, every day!"

Req. Fire or Electric Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop's gained some swirly, kinda fiery brows? These may be accent or eye colour.

Komainu Tail

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Finally...I have found someone worthy of being my friend!"

Req. Fire or Electric Magic LVL 11

Desc: Your dop's tail has become large, with a swirl at the base, and tapers off into a sort of 'flame'? The tail can be your dop's accent or eye colour.


Bubble Tip

Water 1 Bubble Tail Tip gif.gif

"Squeaky Clean!"

Req. Water Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline gains a very odd tail tip! This can either be a glass shape with water in it, or bubbles which magically seem to float off the tip of your dops tail. 

Croaker Pouch

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"You stupid English, with your Yorkshire puddings and your chips and fish!"

Req. Water Magic LVL 5

Desc: Seems your dop's gained a pouch on their neck that can inflate when they inhale - think like a frog's throat! This can be either their accent or eye colour.

Floatie Neck

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Better nix my summer plans!"

Req. Water Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop has gained a smooth, inflatable 'mane' that grants them some buoyancy! Think of the pokemon Buizel.


Vine Tail

Nature 1 Vine Tail upgrade.png

"Flower bloom and grow, let your powers shine,"

Req. Nature Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline's tail becomes a vine! Pretty straight forwards! It should be some shade of green.

Garden Guard

garden guard.png

"Buster use Wood Hammer!"

Req. Nature Magic LVL 5

Desc: Seems your dop's gained some barky growths on their body! This must clearly resemble tree bark, though the type is up to you.

Floral Growths

floral growths.png

"If you wear a dress, and have an animal sidekick, you're a princess."

Req. Nature Magic LVL 5

Desc: Seems your dop's started growing vines and flowers across their body!


Whispy Tail

Wind 1 Wavy Wind Tail.png

"Can't exactly paint with all the colours using this"

Req. Wind Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have gained a tail that whisps and moves around, the tail is not made of wind, in fact its still very solid.

Balloon Mane

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"An oversized balloon bat..."

Req. Wind Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dopaline's gained a bit of fur around their neck that they can inflate by inhaling enough air!


Cold Breath

Ice 1 Cold Breath Upgrade gif.gif

"Blue lips, blue veins, blue, the color of our planet from far far away,"

Req. Ice Magic LVL 2

Desc: Whenever your dop breaths, their breath is cold and mists around them! This upgrade can also turn their mouth blue, however it doesn't have to!

Frosted Flesh

frosted flesh.png

"Whoa. Now that’s ice. I might cry."

Req. Ice Magic LVL 5

Desc: Seems ice has started to form on your dop's extremities! This has to be clearly icy, though the shade of blue you use is up to you.


Shiny Markings

Metalic Markings Upgrade.png

"I'd Rather be SHINY!"

Req. Metal Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline gains rectangular markings which see to be shiny and even slightly reflective! This can also effect markings already on your dop, they can be the eye or accent color if added.

Blade Tail

blade tail.gif

"What- you want to be a Marlogar?"

Req. Metal Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop's gained a blade on their tail! This should be metallic, but may be either silver or your dop's accent or eye colour. The shape may be anything you can find on a marlogar's tail!


Lightning Jaw

Electricity 1 Flashlight Jaw.png

"I'mma firin' mAH LAYZOOOOOOR!"

Req. Electric Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your dopaline's mouth seems to have a glow to it! This should be the eye or accent color, but can also be a simple yellow. Their teeth CAN shift to look like little bolts, but don't have to.

Komainu Brows

komainu brows.png

"Oh my swirls! When I'm in the city, it's nothing but surprises, every day!"

Req. Fire or Electric Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop's gained some swirly, kinda fiery brows? These may be accent or eye colour.

Komainu Tail

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Finally...I have found someone worthy of being my friend!"

Req. Fire or Electric Magic LVL 11

Desc: Your dop's tail has become large, with a swirl at the base, and tapers off into a sort of 'flame'? The tail can be your dop's accent or eye colour.



Strange Force

Gravity 1 Odd Gravity Upgrade.png

"Welcome to Weirdmageddon Pine Tree!"

Req. Gravity Magic LVL 2

Desc: The Gravity on small appendages like the tail and ears of your dop appear to have reversed(or increased)! Just a note, this gets extra fun with BunBun ears. They CAN be pushed down, it just tends to gently have them naturally drift up.

Halo Gear

halo gear.png

"I can see your halo!"

Req. Gravity Magic LVL 5

Desc: Seems your dop's gear now resembles a halo!

Orbital Gear

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"And what's this planet called?"

Req. Gravity Magic LVL 5

Desc: The 'teeth' of your dop's gear have seemed to detatch from the gear itself! They can't float too far away though.

Black Holes

Dark Spots

Black Hole 1 Dark Spots Gif.gif

"You seem to have got a little something there- oh"

Req. Black Hole Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have gained some dark spots, these either act as freckles or one dark spot, which can be placed anywhere on the body except for on gears.

Distorted Wings

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"The pillars are distorting... It's because of that portal."

Req. Black Holes Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dopaline's gained some large, black wings like the Pokemon Giratina. Optionally, you can add the spikes, which can be accent or eye colour.


Odd Inner Ears

Sound 1 Special new Ear Insides 1.png

"All the better to hear you with my dear"

Req. Sound Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your Dopaline's ears gain insides that look like the image above! If they already have insides, the pattern inside them changes! They have special alterations if they have no ears, or batty ears.


Wing/Rocket Fins

Speed 1 Fins upgrade gif.gif

"Keep your head back, hold on tight, you must escape!"

Req. Speed Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your dopaline gains fins on their wrists and/or ankles! These fins can be any color already on your dopaline!

Rear Wing Tail

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer."

Req. Speed Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dopaline's gained what looks to be a...race-car spoiler anywhere on their tail! Typically it's located at the base, but you can put it further down if you wish.

Built-In Heelies

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"I was today years old when I learned it's actually spelt Heelys."

Req. Speed Magic LVL 5

Desc: Your dop has gained some wheels in their heels! These should be embedded into their foot so only half the wheel is visible at any time.


Whispy Nyan Tail

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Paws of Fury!!"

Req. Any Magic LVL 2

Desc: Your dopaline gains a rather intriguing kind of tail. It seems feline-esque and ends in an ghostly flame-like wisp, yet it doesn't seem to be bound to a specific form of Magic like Fire? The "flame" can be either your Dop's accent or eye colour.

Elemental Wings

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Will you go penguin sledding with me?"

Req. Elemental Magic LVL 5

Desc: Oh! Your dopaline's gained some wings that resemble the element of magic they've learned - if they've learned multiple, you can make them resemble multiple! The sky's pretty much the limit with this upgrade - just run it by staff if you think your idea might be a little outlandish.


Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"oh no"

Req. X Magic LVL X

Desc: ???

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