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Not everyone is born healthy or perfect eh?



These can be obtained via Marvin's Mutational Mix, Adopts or VIP Annual Pass


Multi-Gear Mutation art.png

"Woah, I don't know if you should be blessed or cursed!?"

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have been born with two gears! What a bittersweet surprise that is.

This mutation doubles their magical prowess so they may have an easier time learning magic! However this also causes your dop to be more susceptible to disease, so if they obtain any illnesses, there is a higher risk of them failing to get rid of it once they have either lasted out the affliction time or the cure art has been made, if there is a cure anyways...

Multiple Limbs

Multiple Arms Mutation Art.png

"At least multi-tasking is easier?"

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have grown some extra arms or legs. The max amount of limbs that can be added through this upgrade is 4 (this counts as seperates, not in pairs) while the minimum is 1 extra limb, they should be attached to the torso however where on the torso this may be is up to you.

Centaur Style

Centaur Style Mutation Art.png

"I don't need my keys, I was born to run."

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to change their entire stance? Their body has mutated into a curious cross of both the Bipedal and Quadropedal stance, resulting in the Centaur stance which is shown in the upgrade art. This stance can only be obtained through this mutation.

All Seeing Eyes

All Seeing Eyes Mutation Art.png

"I feel like my name should be Roary or something..."

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have grown some extra eyeballs. The max number of eyes that can be added through this upgrade is 6 and the placements can be practically anywhere on your dop.

Double Head

Double Head Mutation Art.png

"Can you quit bickering and help me out here!?!?"

Desc: Your Dopaline seems to have grown another head? This additional head may share your Dop's body but they are capable of having a different mindset and personality to your dop's original noggin so beware of arguments!

Funky Neck

Funky Neck Mutation Art.png

"You remind me of a Bouncy Pipecleaner, like one that sings or something."

Desc: Your Dopaline's neck has seemed to grow abnormally long? This elongates your Dopaline's neck like shown in the upgrade art and thus is capable of giving them some extra height, however remember to refer to the example art so you don't make it too long!



"Mike Wazowski!"

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to trade in their two eyes for one large eye, guess you only need one contact now?

Genie Style


"You ain't never had a friend like me!"

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to change their entire stance? Their body has lost their hind legs in return for a rather whispy lower-half, resulting in them gaining the Genie Stance as shown in the mutation art. This stance can only be gained through this mutation.

Monster Maws


"Dude Freddy is literally right outside my office, I'm gonna die!"

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to gain some new mouths to feed? The max number of mouths that can be added through this upgrade is 5 and the placements can be anywhere on your dop.

Noodle Style


"Sure Western Reptiles are cool 'n' all but have you ever seen a Chinese Dragon?"

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to change their entire stance? Their torso has elongated ridiculously, like an eastern style dragon. At least you're gonna be WAAAAY taller now! This stance can only be gained through this mutation. Optionally, upon growing up, you may also remove a dopal's hindlegs with this mut, to give them more of a naga-like appearance!

Raptor Style

Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"This is Echo, this one's Charlie, this is Delta, and this one's Blue. Blue's the beta."

Desc: Your Dopaline has seemed to change their entire stance? Now they stand on their hindlegs leaning forward, like a raptor! This stance can only be gained through this mutation.

Tiny Gear

tiny gear.gif

"Ring Gear? Nah, all my homies got Nose Ring Gear~"

Desc: Your Dopaline's gear is...really small? Performing magic may be a bit strenuous...kind of like cracked gear, but without the magical instability or cool story to go with it! The gear may be placed in any of the locations shown above, or anywhere not shown if you can justify it! It is too small for normal gear placement locations, however.


Mutations only available for certain subspecies. Breeding only subspecies mutations will be under the bred heading!

Wing Arms

wing arms.png

"I can't fly, I pick my beak, and once in a while I pee in the birdbath! Happy?!"

Desc: Your Snow Warden's front limbs seem to be entirely winged, no paws to be seen! This prevents application of any upgrades that would affect the paws/claws to the front limbs, but the hind limbs remain unaffected.

Scraggle'd Up

more scraggles.png

"What are those??"

Desc: Your Terrorhowl has more scraggles in more places! These can be pretty much anywhere, and the only limit is your common sense! Remember these should be defined scraggles, not to be mistaken for fur.

Armadillo(din) Plating


"Don't listen to him; Fast Tony would sell his own mother for a grape."

Desc: Your Dillodin's plating has extended to cover the entire torso, like a real life armadillo!

Fresh 'Fins'

fresh fins.png

"The only thing that has kept me going all these years is my BURNING thirst for revenge...and my precious souvenir snow globe collection."

Desc: Your Tidalshift appears to have tentacles instead of fins? These follow the same colour rules as the other cephalopod related upgrades.

Compound Eyes

compound eyes.png

"You got games on your phone?"

Desc: Your Glisect's eyes seem to have become compound, like those of an insect such as a fly! If your glisect also has All-Seeing Eyes, this will affect all of their eyes.


These can only be obtained via breeding. They are recessive in every MYO dopaline.

3 Wings


"Don't let anyone treat you like garbage, just because they have the power to."

Desc: Oh dear! It seems your dopaline's been born with three wings instead of the usual two? Might be a bit difficult to fly with those...


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Mismatched Upgrade Stages


"Cornflake's a little confused, but he got the spirit."

Desc: Seems your dop's upgrades are lagging behind each other a bit! This mut, as implied, mismatches the stages of an upgrade on your dopal - for example, one wing will have to stay baby while the other grows. This tends to affect wings and horns specifically, and doesn't affect the type - only the stage.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"An elf!"

Desc: Well, uh...your dop's a bit..small? Seems those dillodin genes are showing!

(This mut has a chance to show up in any breeding, however it seems to have increased chances if a dillodin or glisect are involved!)


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"Is the door big enough for you?"

Desc: Well well well, your dop's a lot bigger than the others!

(This mut has a chance to show up in any breeding, however it seems to have increased chances if a terrohowl is involved!)


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

No Gear


"Oh...oh that's...unfortunate."

Desc: It seems your dop's been...born without a gear? That's no good, you'll have to get 'em a phylac and fast! The wonders of modern medicine.

(Dopals born with this mutation are given a free phylac.)


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Claw Overgrowth


"Anyone have a nail file??"

Desc: Your dop's been born with claws that...never seem to stop growing! This may be combined with other claw upgrades(e.g. clawed paws, draconic claws).

This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"I am still leader of this Clan. And you have betrayed us all."

Desc: Your dop's been born with either an extra toe, or fused toes, depending on your choice! (The example art shows how this would look with the thumbs upgrade).


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"Hey remember that drug trip scene in The Good Dinosaur?"

Desc: Your dop's been born up to two extra irises in their eye(s)! The example art also shows how this looks with the pupils upgrade.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Hydra Heads

hydra heads.png

"Cerberus Ran Away(Where did he go?)"

Desc: Your dop's been born up TWO extra heads! Same rules as Double Head, there's just another now!


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Brevis Thyrsus

squashed torso.png

"I think I am addicted to Wobbledogs."

Desc: Seems your dop's been born with a torso shorter than most...their chest, however, is the same size as your average dop, meaning they need to eat the same amount to function - just in smaller portions, as they cannot digest large amounts as easily!


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Snaggle Overgrowth


"There's a species of pig with tusks that grow into its skull..."

Desc: Your dop's been born with snaggleteeth that won't stop growing! You may choose if this is upwards or downwards, and depending on your choice your dop will start with the Sabreteeth or Terrible Tusks upgrade! Generally these will need to be filed down frequently to avoid injury...


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Missing Limb

missing limb.png

"Being born cost me an arm and a leg..."

Desc: Your dop's been born missing up to as many limbs as they have pairs.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.


teef censored.png

"I’m pulling teeth for what seems like an eternity!"

Desc: Your dop appears to have grown a couple too many teeth, not even restricted to the mouth. Try not to go overboard with this - teeth outside the mouth would likely fall out quickly, so they shouldn't be covering the entire body.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Subspecies Bred

These can only be obtained via breeding. They are recessive in every MYO subspecies dopaline.

Warden Wing Overgrowth

wing overgrowth.png

"Can you...walk? Is that not uncomfortable?"

Desc: Your snow warden's wings...won't stop growing? (How this works mechanically - Your dops' Warden Wings will always be 1 stage ahead of a normal dop's - so for example, they start life at stage 2, and when they advance to 'stage 2', they're at stage 3. At 'stage 3'? Well, they unlock a secret 4th stage!)


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Exposed Spine

exposed spine.png

"FATALITY. Sub-Zero Wins."

Desc: Your terrorhowl's been born with their spine exposed?? This doesn't seem to cause them any pain, though it would probably feel weird if touched and be somewhat vulnerable to infection. You can choose to expose the whole spine, or only part of it.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Feather Overgrowth

feather overgrowth.png

"I dunno, he looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me..."

Desc: Your snow warden's feathers will not stop growing! This results in a bit of a 'shaggy' look.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Cryptid Eyes

cryptid eyes.png

"May your kills keep you fed as they have me, and may the Night hold you close."

Desc: Your terrorhowl's been born with..remarkably small eyes, they're basically dots! Shadow over face is optional.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Plate Overgrowth

plate overgrowthh.gif

"Uhh..can you see?"

Desc: Your dillodin's plating seems to have grown a bit longer than average! You may extend it to cover the eyes with the Plate Extender upgrade.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Underdeveloped Plating

underdeveloped plates.png

"Careful, these slimes have been known to expl-"

Desc: Your dillodin's plating seems unable to gain its harder covering? It's squishy but firm to the touch, and highly sensitive.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"I could hear you... breathing."

Desc: Your tidalshift's got some extra sets of gills? You may give them a maximum total of 4 sets of gills, the art is mainly to show where they can go.

This mutation causes the dopaline mild breathing problems, as their body isn't able to process all of the oxygen they take in easily.


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Fin Overgrowth

fin overgrowth.png

"So how well can you swim?"

Desc: Your tidalshift's fins grow a bit larger than most! This makes walking a bit awkward...


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.



"Um, excuse me, sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off."

Desc: Your glisect's tongue appears to have been replaced with a proboscis! This should be depicted as a line, like the example image - think like a butterfly!


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

Membrane Overgrowth

mega membrane.png

"Aha! So that's it! You wily scamp! So that's what you were after, huh?"

Desc: Your glisect's membrane has grown a bit more than your average glisect's, and stops around the ankle rather than the thigh! This makes walking awkward, but at least they can glide better?


This mutation can only be obtained via breeding.

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