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Oresnatcher Valesli MYO

The rules for making a Oresnatcher Valesli are pretty simple! First, make your lineart, Oresnatcher Valesli are have sheet metal tails that fold like peacocks tails.  


Their key features consist of:
> Small beak horn
> Metal filings on Antenna
> Sheet Metal tail
> Sharp talons


Metal Valesli 2.png
Metal Valesli 1.png


(click on image to get a png)


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Metal Base Pallet.png
Metal Magic Feather.png
Metal Markings Pallet.png
Metal Accent Pallet.png

You can pick out any colors within the squares! The little shapes on the bottom are just examples of the colors. As you may have predicted by this point, the base color is the base! The magic feather is the little feather on the head, and now here's where markings come into play.


The belly color has to be placed as big solid shapes, it MUST be on the underside of the wing! As for that, it can take up any space including the front of the face up to the magic feather, all the way down to the legs and the underside of the tail, or none of that, as long as you keep in mind these markings are big and blobby!



The markings can be dots, rings, freckles, or stripes! They are typically found on the face, back, wing, and underside of the wing! Feel free to ask for help when it comes to checking proper markings! They can come in any amount.

The metal filings should be dark in color, feel free to make them more blobby around the antenna. They tend to make the antenna droop from the weight they cause.


Oresnatcher Valesli tend to be one of the most rare Valesli, and are often the most aggressive. They used to be hunted for their metal and there was a point when they almost went extinct. Fortunately some activists stepped in, and now it's illegal to hunt them, however, poaching is still a huge issue. 


The sharp metal tails and filings can cut through most Dopaline's skin, so it's recommended to be careful when handling them. Never get between an Oresnatcher Valesli and it's clutch. 


They get their name from their tendency to steal shiny things. 

Metal Valesli 3.png
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