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Snow Wardens

Fluffy but regal are these winged Dops

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MYO Colouring

Like all subspecies, Snow Warden MYOs firstly use a different bunch of palettes compared to Standards. So you cannot have a Snow Warden using the standard MYO palettes and such.


However this is overruled when it comes to using special palettes such as the Hallowrise Palettes or the Early Bird Palettes. Those are usable with any MYO no matter what species.


When it comes to anatomy, Snow Wardens have 3 main features that set themselves apart from the other Species of Dopaline.


  • They are the only species of dopaline capable of growing arm wings.

  • Their incapability to have bare skin/scales.
  • Their typically bulky chests and arms once in adulthood.

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Alongside these features, which if you must know will stick with them their entire lives, there are also some more minor traits that they typically have from birth.

  • Perky Pup Ears

  • Unruly Mane

  • Feathered Pelt

  • Warden Wings

A Brief History of the Subspecies

Snow Wardens hail from Glaxipo, a large region of the bound known well for two things, it's frosty tundras and taigas and the Royal Family of the Boundless. Back in older times this royal family was almost exclusively made up of Snow Wardens, causing the species to generally hold themselves in high regard compared to the rest of the subspecies of Dopaline that exist, especially when it comes to Terrorhowls which are often regarded by those who carry this mentality as "Vicious Mongrels".


Thankfully most of the Snow Wardens of today don't carry this mindset due to how frowned upon it is in modern Dop society, this isn't to say that it's been stamped out entirely since some still follow these old fashioned thoughts.

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It's often said that the dislike between Terrorhowl and Snow Warden came from a prince wishing to marry a travelling rogue that he was smitten for, the others disallowed it since they deemed that letting them marry such a beast would poison the Royal Bloodline.

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