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Cryptid Claws


"I saw it! It was right there!"

Req: Lvl 14 + Terrorhowl

Desc: Seems your terrorhowl's claws have grown significantly larger than anything you can find on any other dopaline!


Plate Changer


"I got the ring for the bling, not a problem~"

Req: Lvl 14 + Dillodin

Desc: Seems your dopaline's back plating has changed shape! This can be smooth, spikier, anything other than the default as long as it's still clearly back plating!

Plate Markings


"I keep losing my socks..."

Req: Lvl. 14 + Dillodin

Desc: Oo, fancy plating we got there! You can add any marking upgrade to your dillodin's back plating, and these can be any colour already present on your dopaline.

Rail Plating


"I didn't go on, I just Saw the Ride!"

Req: Lvl 13 + Dillodin

Desc: Change your dop's back plating to resemble rollercoaster track!

Plate Extender


"Look ma! Full plate!"

Req: Lvl 16 + Dillodin

Desc: Seems your dop's back plating has extended onto the face and, optionally, the tail! It can extend either way - face and tail, just face, or just tail! [Lizard tail was used as an example, this does not give you lizard tail].

Snow Warden

Batty Arm Wings


"I've been framed! They've got the wrong guy!"

Req: Lvl 14 + Snow Warden

Desc: Seems your dop's arm wings have taken on a more webbed appearance? The webbing can be any colour already present on your dopaline.

[Stage 1] Warden Wings

warden wings 1.png

"I have redeemed myself by giving belief to the wings of the young. Blessed are those who believe, for indeed they shall fly."

Req: Required for Approval

Desc: All Snow Wardens start with small, flightless wings on their arms.

[Stage 2] Warden Wings

warden wings 2.png

"..... you can breath now."

Req: Teen OR Child Wing Overgrowth + Snow Warden

Desc: As your Snow Warden grows, so do their wings! Now flightable!

[Stage 3] Warden Wings

warden wings 3.png

"We're flying. Does it feel the way you thought it would?"

Req: Adult OR Teen Wing Overgrowth + Snow Warden

Desc: As your Snow Warden grows, so do their wings! Now with added feathers that can be any colour on your dop!


Fin Changer


"I'm a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea!"

Req: Lvl 15 + Tidalshift

Desc: Oh, seems your tidalshift's got some fancy new fins! You can change the shape of their arm and leg fins to match those of any other fish, as long as they're still clearly aquatic!


Membrane Morph


"I'm not an ostritch!"

Req: Lvl 15 + Glisect

Desc: Seems your glisect's membranes have changed shape! These can be any sort of shape as long as they're still clearly functional for gliding.


Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Upgrades, people, upgrades!"

Req: Lvl + Subspec

Desc: Weeble Wooble


Placeholder Upgrade Art.png

"Spirit has an enrichment ball now"

Req: Lvl + Subspec


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