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Fishy, these waterborne Dops rule the tropics!

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MYO Colouring

Like all subspecies, Tidalshift MYOs firstly use a different bunch of palettes compared to Standards. So you cannot have a Tidalshift using the standard MYO palettes and such. Their fins can be any colour already present on themselves.


However this is overruled when it comes to using special palettes such as the Hallowrise Palettes or the Early Bird Palettes. Those are usable with any MYO no matter what species.


When it comes to anatomy, Tidalshifts have 3 main features that set themselves apart from the other Species of Dopaline.


  • Their 2 pairs of Gills which can appear anywhere on their neck, torso or tail.

  • The fins featured on their limbs.

  • Their slightly sturdy appearance compared to most standards.

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Alongside these features, which if you must know will stick with them their entire lives, there are also some more minor traits that they typically have from birth.

  • Seaborn Fins

  • Tideturner Tail

A Brief History of the Subspecies

Potentially the most recent of the Dopaline species are the Tidalshifts, originating from the tropical shores of the Mutinika region. It's been discovered that these aquatic Dopalines evolved to suit a life that wasn't tethered to neither land nor sea, their prominent fins and large tail are often believed to be for aid in swimming while their somewhat muscular physique boasts the idea for improving their speed on land.


Many were curious about how this species of Dopaline had enjoyed living a nomadic island life until the intervention of the more landlocked Dopalines on their expedition to see how far the Bound really went, some wonder what it would be like if Tidalshifts were still untouched by the modern world...

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 Communities on the more remote islands of Mutinika are still a little bit old-fashioned compared to the rest of the bound, don't worry though I'm sure they'll catch up someday!

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