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Singular: Riggeling {Rig-e-ling)
Plural: Riggelings

Tokes (Females), Pries (Males)

Riggelings are odd creatures who could be compared to dogs in a way when it comes to their nature and general appearance which makes them a popular companion in the Bound, their loyalty and playfulness also tend to make them a swell choice for any newly made family alongside the care they need being great for teaching kids how to care for pets! There are differences between genders with Tokes having Claw-like tail tips whilst Pries have plushies that they have somehow made a part of themselves?

These strange worm-dogs as they're so-called seem to come in a large variety of colours, some being blacks, greys and off-whites with splashes of vibrant colour whilst others being rather vibrant throughout their pelts. Their muzzles are quite unusual, no visible nose, simply just tapering into a fluffy point with somewhat triangular teeth lining the inside of their mouths and ears that typically would be seen on real world dogs. The tailtips of Tokes and Pries can vary vastly in many forms, one Toke can have a jaggedy claw with a purpley colouring wheras another could end up with a rather smooth rusty red claw, this Prie could have chosen a vibrant and large Dopaline plushie for it's tail but the other could have settled with a dull yet fluffy Sparzynx instead. Riggelings can also have horns curiously, they tend to have a rubber-like texture to them but the appearances these horns can take seems to be endless?

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